Science resources

Home educators are unlikely to have fully-equipped science labs. But these days schools are so safety-conscious that teachers must carry out most demonstrations anyway. You can get a better view, at your own pace, by searching online. Below are a selection of science resources which should be suitable for most children and teens. Some show you scientific ‘worlds’, some explain scientific concepts. Others give ideas for experiments that can be done at home.

Underground adventure – a virtual tour of the world of worms or other underground insects. This site is suitable for any age.

KidZone science – experiments and facts about seeds, mould, the water cycle, and more. For children about age 5-10.

Our Universe – another excellent site devoted to astronomy. Clear explanations about our solar system, the different planets, asteroids and much more. This site is suitable for interested children from the age of about five and upwards.

Globio – a nicely-designed site with useful images and explanations about several scientific topics. These range from stars to rainforests, bamboo to chocolate. The site map lists all currently available pages.

Biology 4 kids – basic information about cell structure, animal life and other biological subjects. This is a mainly text-based site with some photos, and multi-choice questions.

Science toys – science demonstrations you can make at home. The site covers simple optics, radio, electromagnetism and other physics topics. Recommended for parents and children together.

Virtual pond dip – here you can examine creatures found in a typical pond, without getting wet. For any age.

Neuroscience for kids – all you ever wanted to know about the brain, and how it works. Explanations and experiments for children of all ages.

Primary School Science – for those who want to follow UK National Curriculum. This site gives some useful resources for all ages. This link is for Key Stage 2 (approx age 8-11).

Atom-builder – enables you to see how atoms are constructed by making your own online.

Reeko’s mad scientist lab – a range of experiments and demonstrations that you can do at home. For children of different ages, some requiring parental help. A lot of text including clear instructions, showing principles such as momentum and pressure.

Physics (and other) experiment simulations – simplified explanations of many physics phenomena, such as quantum behaviour and wave forms. Graphics to emulate demonstrations sometimes shown in school labs.

Chem4kids – clear explanations about basic chemistry. The site includes details of the first 18 elements, explanations about biochemistry, and matter. Probably best for older children or younger teens as there is quite a bit of text.

BBC science – studies on space, animals, the human body, and many other topics. There are also some quizzes and further links. Mainly suitable for teenagers.

Magnet man – detailed explanations, including relevant history, of everything to do with magnetism. Plenty of ideas to try at home. Lots of text, and fairly complex ideas, so more appropriate for teenagers than younger children.

Electricity and magnetism tutorials – plenty of information about many aspects of electricity. The site explores atomic structure, cathode rays, how a CD works, and more. Simple interactive diagrams allow for visual understanding alongside the text. Most suitable for older children or teenagers studying physics.

Cells alive – all you ever wanted to know about cells, microbiology, and using a microscope. Clear explanations, diagrams, and some animation. Probably most suitable for over-11s as there is a fair amount of complex test, but it could suit any interested young biologist.

Doc Brown’s chemistry clinic – chemistry data, quizzes and links for approx age 11-18, tying in with the UK National Curriculum and all exam boards for GCSE and A-level exams.

In addition you might like to see my main science page, which gives some ideas for introducing science in home education at various ages.

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